Once the Village was informed that our petiton to incorporate as a Class 5 City was recommended by the State Boundary Commission, on September 11, 2007, voters of the Village of Caseville voted to continue the process of incorporation into a Home Rule City. The vote was 157-108 to continue.

Following the referendum vote, the Director of the Dept. of Labor and Economic Growth issued an order to incorporate dated 9-21-07. We had two years to write and approve a charter for Caseville as a city.

On May 6, 2008 an election was held to elect 9 persons to write the Charter (Charter Commission). The Commission had 90 days (from time of taking the oath of Office) to frame the charter. All meeting were open to the public.

The Charter Commission Members were:

Patricia Des Jardins
Melvin (Pete) Dutcher
Alice Hazzard
Stannette Malosky
Alan Mason
Nancy Moss, Vice-Chair
Noel (Sandy) Perry, Chairman
James Stahl
O.W. (Bill) Stockmeyer